Seljalandsfoss, Iceland

Seljalandsfoss is a waterfall located in southern Iceland, approximately 120 kilometers from Reykjavik. It is one of the most famous and photographed waterfalls in Iceland, and it is known for its unique feature that allows visitors to walk behind the falling water.

The waterfall drops approximately 60 meters into a shallow pool below, and it is fed by the Seljalandsá river. Visitors can access a path that leads behind the waterfall, offering a stunning and unique perspective of the cascading water. The path can be slippery and wet, however, so visitors should exercise caution when walking behind the waterfall.

Seljalandsfoss is surrounded by lush greenery and moss-covered rocks, and it is particularly beautiful during the summer months when the surrounding fields are in bloom. The waterfall can be visited year-round, although access to the path behind the waterfall may be restricted during the winter months due to ice and snow.

In addition to the waterfall itself, the area around Seljalandsfoss is also home to several other natural attractions, including the nearby Gljúfrabúi waterfall and the Þórsmörk nature reserve.

Seljalandsfoss is a stunning natural wonder that should be on the itinerary of anyone visiting Iceland. Its unique feature of allowing visitors to walk behind the waterfall makes it a truly unforgettable experience.

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